a simple request - Write in English please

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Last week I went to visit my youngest daughter in Kuala Lumpur.  She is a foundation student.  We did not talk much..but .. she requested .. if you write on the blog .. please write in English papa.

So here I am ..writing for her .. and many others . who are still trying hard to adjust to the life of a university after your respected SPM / GCSE “O” Levels.

Congratulations!  now you are a university student.  You must be grateful to the government that provide you this education ….

As a new student .. I am sure you will find that many things that are very new to you such as .. there is no more annoucements  made calling your name .. your parents are here to visit you etc etc ..

Next , you are given some money RM200 - RM300 per month just for food.  Use it carefully ..and eat well my girl.  IF .. the money runs dry ..don’t hesitate to call your brother and sisters.  They need to be consulted ..  to help you once in a while. More over it creates a good feeling among your siblings .. that .. u must be helped.  Right?

In the university ..you discover few interesting things such as :

(i)  due date - all assignments must be sent on that particular date.  If you send ..after that date .. no marks will be awarded to you

(ii)  friends -  there are few others to collaborate, co-operate, study group etc etc

Use them to study and discuss ..

(iii)  stay up ..  there is no hard and fast rule ..when to sleep at night.  Now you are considered as an adult.  You are responsible .. for your life.  Don’t stay too late please.  If I were you .. i will give all my best attention .. and energy in the classes/ lectures/ tutorials/ workshops daily.

Don’t rely too much on your friends.  Sometime, they miss the lecture too. So you miss a lot by not attending the lecture especially 800 am and 200 pm lectures.

(iv)  take care of your well being (health).

If you miss any lecture ..it is difficult to follow the next lecture .. and so on.

(v)  appointment time.

Please come to the appointment on time.  Else ..it is bad for you.  Malaysia is famous for .. having no strict time.  Meetings at 230 pm can sometimes ..  be interpreted as 330pm.  But as a student .. try to be there on time plz.  Lecturers are busier than the Prime Minister of Malaysia.  You know why?  We got no drivers here.  Everything ..must be taken into account i.e.,  we drive our machine ourselves.  If we got accidents ..  our name will be part of the history of this country.  They say prayers like Al Fatihah for you so that .you can rest there ( 6 feet beneath the ground)  in peace.  He..he..

So ..from experience ..  studying abroad many years ago .. if I could spell it out to you politely .. try to attend all lectures physically and spiritually.  Follow the lecture well and if you miss something my dear ..make an appointment with your lecturer(s).  Ask them again and again things that for example  concepts that looks so difficult for  you like ‘Central Limit Theorem and Bayes Theorem ' in statistics.

They are there to help you ..really. If you act professionally ..they will respond like wise.

Till then ..all the best ..  my girl.


your daddy with all the prayers .. you will do well, won’t you?
My cucu & Wor are there ..  all along.

Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2013/07/a-simple-request-write-in-english-please.html