Abah dah mula lega sikit

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Dah rasa lega dah anak-anakku.

  1. tadi dah submit 2 chapters buku abah dlm B.I.

why lega? Penerbit pun dah standby .. tunggu the next 3 chapters. Me converting my thesis into a simple 50 page book.

Payah jugak perjalanan ini. Maklumlah kita nak buat mcm2 serentak. Nak tulis buku, tulis jurnal, ngajar bini org maths diploma itu, ngajar kau org lagi supaya kau pun cemerlang lebih lagi dari abah, nakk melawat mak abah di kelantan lagi, urus majlis khawin lagi, nak buat pagar kat tanah kita di pasir puteh kelantan lagi, isi borang buat kuar duit koperasi KGMK abah lagi ..mcm2 lah.

dan satu lagi abah tak sesihat dulu lagi lah. the age has caught me up ..eventually.

  1. But b4 I go .. I would really love to leave you all a book. Just 50 pages thick ..but my book. He..hee.. i don’t know whether it is going to be a good book but i call it my book lah….
    my book.

  2. why bother? thats what i aim for. I have bought more than 2000 books in my life. Why not one of them I myself produced it b4 I die. At least what the malaysian government has invested me in sponsoring gmy studies since Form 1 to PhD .. will be compensated with just a book. My book.

Please pray for me. Tonight Malam Jumaat - i want to attack nothing else except chapter 3,4 and 5. Hopefully, i can say job well done by asar prayer tomorrow. Insya allah n very very much insyallah.

I hope Allah will give me another night n day to finish my job. Writing a book.


Wallahu aklam.

Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2011/07/abah-dah-mula-lega-sikit.html