Alhamdulilah Grace be to Allah

Update terakhir:


The Eid Adha is over.  Alhamdulilah.  Syukur!

2)  I am a bit healthier now since I decided not to travel to Kelantan celebrating the Eidul Adha.  It was a big decision since Kealntan celebrated Eid Adha a bit grander than Johor (i suppose).  I do not know why .. people said that all the time.  May be Kelantan gave 2 day holidays for Eid Adha as compared to Johor/ Kuala Lumpur.  I am not so sure about this.  But I miss my relatives a lot .. especially my aunties, uncles and .. my nephews and nieces.  Laugh

3)  I completed my first book at last (transfering my PHD thesis to a simple book).  Of course I got some help from my closest friends.  The last 3 days I was doing the editing, restructuring the sentences and making some comparison on books published by Prof Noraini Idris UM, Prof Dr Alan Bishop , Prof Dr Schoenfeld and DR Dave Hewwitt  in the field of maths education while my neighbours and friends were busy performing the most imporatnt act slaughtering the cattles in view of Eid Adha is still in the air.   Of course mine (my book)  looks so immature ..but who cares book is about to be sent to the university press by today any how , Insyallah.  He..he..  it is the second round of proof reading they say.  Those books were written by professors …and this book is written by a 54 year old maths teacher.  Who cares?  if we keep feeling so inferior .. we will never be able to write anything down , put them in the libraries etc etc in this country.  By not writing .. we keep on importing books from usa, britain, europe and india.  We had lost so much foreign exchange by doing so.  however I used those books as .. my guiding stars. Thats all to it.

I think that is all to say folks!   UTHM wants my old notebook today.  They are giving a new one in exchange. thats good isn’t it?  I take that swapping as a hadiah for finishing my book.  I pray that my writings will be taken positively by my readers all over the world.  I believe one small saying “.. the big journey starts from your first small step..”

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