An art of writing (1)

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Bismillah hi rah ma nir rahim

Glad tidings to you my readers.

Writing is an art ( Tynjala et al 1998).  Somebody obtained worldly  fame from writing and many ..  did not get anything near to the university publisher’s office .  When you write , try and use this guideline please.  I always used this from the guide given by the late Yusof Ngah (Principals of Tengku Mahmud Secondary School Besut and Sultan Sulaimang Kuala Terengganu) in 1973 - 1976.  Yusof Ngah got  a Masters in English from Canterbury , New Zealand.

Step 1 -  objective of writing
Step 2  -  a topic sentence followed by an elaboration
Step 3  -  try to conclude in a paragraph, section, chapter and the book itself.


Everybody enjoys some activities daily.  Some of those activities could  be writing, cycling, gardening, travelling and many more.  One can write about one’s experience or  education.  Of course an indian that came to England in 1930’s obtained different experience as compared to a malay prince that was raised up with many maids who served him 24/7.  However, that indian and the malay prince shared the same interest called ‘supporting Manchester United’s football star called George Best’..  As a result , they can eat, drink and sleep together on the British Rail (train) up and down the country with the famous  red scarves properly wrapped uponto  their long necks. .  Haleloya!  

Another example:

Durian is a nice fruit from the jungle in Malaysia.  It has many vitamins besides protein, carbohydrates and  minerals like magnesium.  The chinese sinseh used durian as a form of medicine to cure constipation.  I met many chinese at the road sides enjoying durians during the fruits seasons from April to August in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.  Since it has many medicinal values, durians are famous among asians.  There is a saying '  you are not true asian if you can not eat durian all the time daily'.

If you analyse the 2 examples given, you can see each of them has a topic sentence to begin with.  This is followed by few elaboration and of course I conclude the durian paragraph with one saying and the first one , I end up with the state of  happiness shared by the malay prnce with an indian immigrant supporting George Best.

Till then, good bye.

Wallah hu aklam.  Reference:  Writing as a Learning Tool - Integrating Theory and Practice by Tynjala, P., Mason, L., and Lonka, K.(eds). 1998 .  Kluwer Academic Publishers

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