Anugerah Khidmat Cemerlang 2009

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Today I got AKC 2009 from the university. Never imagined that to happen. Really? But I do dhuha prayers since I was young day in day out without fail. So honoured and so happy to get this big amount of rezeki..

Why? I don’t think I deserve it actually since my friends from FKSTM, UTHM are more intelligent n hard working than me .. but .. if every body plans not to give AKC 2009 to me but if Allah plans other wise I will get it eventually .. by hook or by crook. In what ever way , you are sure to get it. Rezeki from Allah. Thats the promise of Allah to good mukmins/mukminats.

If all man kinds wanted to give u something, but without the permission from Allah , that good things will never get to you in what ever way u want to put it. U will never get it!

Thats yakin to the kalimah ‘la ila ha illallah .. ' There is no one diety of worship except Allah. HE is the most powerful creator on this earth since mankind i.e., Adam a.s to the last man kind.

‘yakin in the power of Allah’ is the hardest thing to get. We must struggle to get in in our heart and our lives. By struggling in the path of Allah according to the sunnah of rasulullah a.s

JIhad is to put that ‘yakin’ in the power of Allah into our heart.

  1. So what r u going to do with AKC worth RM1000 this time? Insyallah I want to go to Indonesia for 2 weeks. Keluar dakwah n tabligh. I had promised that to myself. RM1 spent in the path of Allah .. HE will return you RM700,000 in the akhirah (year after). ALLAH HU AKBAR.

May Allah grants his permission to me to do so. Ameen.

Wallahu aklam. * however i haven’t seen yet the cash. laugh?

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