Bahaya FB social networking

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Hari ahad yg lalu , Sunday Star ..ada article tentang bahaya FB.

Two of them are:

  1. org jahat boleh trace ..kita punya ..address, account number bank, IC number, our HP numbers, anak kita punya details, and many more.

  2. org jahat leh tahu selera kita - tonton hindustani filem, korea filem, antantuya mongolia filem .. from there they can blackmail us by .. by looking at the most consistent url addresses kita surf daily

ugut .. mereka akan hebahkan .. analysis depa on our selera .. to the public in malaysia and throughout the world.

So jom kita kelaur sahaja lah dari FB ini/ bahaya jgn dicari. Saya dah warning kat u all dah. Please take heed.

Wallahu aklam. Baca quraan surah Ar Rahmannn lagi best/ which favours of Allah that u can deny?

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