berita gembira bagi pelajar tua berjiwa muda

Update terakhir:

Alhamdulilah saya bersyukur ke hadrat illahi saya berjaya juga rupanya. Alhamdulillah.

Kunci kejayaan adalah:

a) you must know your strength - in my case mathematics pre-algebra, insyallah,
b) got good family support
c) got good supervisors
d) stay persevere and fully committed from day 1 to day ‘nth’ towards the completion of the phd program
e) present papers after papers without fail
f) have patience and
g) finally make lots and lots of prayers towards your ROBB

At this juncture, I would like to remind my children .. if I can do , you can do it better my child.

Thank you. Wasallam.

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