Bila kita dipanggil terpedaya buat research review phD

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Teringat saya .. beberapa peristiwa bagaimana saya teramat suka (teruja) membaca artikel dari jurnal educational technology BRITISH , AMERICAN ..satu demi satu

tetapi saya hanya membaca .. di atas katil .. beralaskan bantal lembek .. mata membaca .. mengadap ke siling rumah.  Kaki bergoyang ..tanda seronok membaca .. sambil mendengar lagu ROD STEWART .. I am sailing .. 

Satu demi satu .. artikel saya baca ..  tetapi after finishing 10 articles

I check .. what did I get? what did I write?

  1. The answer is nothing.

Why?  To read an article from high impact journal is so nice because the article is so good ..but it won’t do you any good because

you did not write anything about each article

3)  what to write?  findings/  technology used/ method used/  comment on the findings/  spot the strength of the paper / any weaknesses of the paper/  how to make it better/ future work suggested by the author if any?

4)  Ask this 40 million ringgit question?

What does this got to do with my research? .. I am sponsored by USM .. now I am already 2nd year PhD student in Denmark .. where is your proof of your work  all this while?  any journal writings?  any conference papers..  any seminar u had attended so far .. SO WHAT!

Try and ask 10 times a day this question .. SO WHAT!

If you can answer that question .. happily .. I am so sure u will find the PhD at the end of your struggle.  A bright light at the end of the tunnel. Ingat ..buat PhD is korek satu lubang kecil tetapi tersangatlah dalam menuju ke pusat BUMI … u r the only one ..that knows that lubang .. how deep u r in the lubang.. not even ur project PhD  supervisor knows ..where  u r that hole deep under the ground.  He..he..    u r all alone my dear that lubang .. so deep inside.  Plz ..  shout if u r lost ..  get help .. talkwith ur friends about that jurney into the deep sickening hole.  Just got lose!

Wish you all the best.

Wallahu aklam.

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