Bulan lapang 8
An hour from now
I shall break my fast. Completing the optional Fasting of 6 days in Syawal.
Those who fast
This 6 days ..the reward is as if he has fasted the whole year. Allah will reward us handsomely
According to his own pleasure.
But before that to conclude
I am in a clinic.
Checking my urine and some pain.
- The lady doctor said
This is normal.
When u fasted
U drink little water.
But urine is all about water.
So no water , when u urinate u will feel a bit pain lah.
Now u must drink more water.
Easy boy ..acahh jee?
- how to drink so much water?
U dont need to study so high
To drink that 7 8 litres of water a day doc. Do you?
He he he.
So my pain,
My feeling down
Is about water intake.
Hushhh..like that lah.
The end.
Hope to practice drinking n drinking after this. Nothing else.
Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2016/08/today.html