Candu lagi Facebook?

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Today my writings continue on candu/ opium on Facebook.

  1. Many government and non-goverment officers spent some of their productive time working in the office surfing facebook (FB). Initially it was just to get link to old friends but later .. due to addiction of this candu/opium .. they created business links .. etc etc. Rent a car came from fb work. Many more examples ideas, reality, money making, etc etc all came from FB. Surprisingly some of them manage to marry their old flame (buah hati zaman sekolah dulu-dulu
    ). Laugh.

  2. I think .. it is not fair. Cheating is the right word. right? we are accountable to the people of this country while FB in the office hours. Better stop and think , organize our daily work. Please. One more thing, we had sinned a lot (berdosa ..menipu ..masa main FB). Bertaubatlah.

rezeki kita mungkin haram.

  1. If we spent 1 hour per day FB, it means we spent 20 hours a month. If we are paid RM10,000 a month .. it means that our RM10,000 is not halal 100 percent. So where next?

thats why i ask myself to repent ..n get back to serve the people justly.

Wallahu aklam. * halal = in accordance to Allahs liking and pleasure. Not halal = haram = getting Allah’s curse all the time. Mau ker kita?

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