Cepatnya depa proses duit claim

Update terakhir:


Last month we marked papers set by (?).  Wow .. yu know .. the money has come.  Surprise surprise .. surprise.  If like this , I do not mind marking exam papers every year and then.  he..he..  Even though it was not much …  its coming is greatly appreciated at this moment in time.

2)  From my experience, marking maths and english papers at SPM / GCE ‘o’ Levels , the money will come at least 8 months after the job was accomplished.  Now it is just a mere month away.  Brilliant!

I as the representative .. of alll my friends .. would like to express thousands thanks to that body.  U r great man!


3)  Insyallah we can use it to buy shoes and many other things  for our children .. in view of the January 2012 new school begins.

Wallahu aklam.

Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2011/12/cepatnya-depa-proses-duit-claim.html