Chit chat with my indian student

Update terakhir:


Today i was grateful to be visited by a student from FKASS. He brought his girlfriend’s form for graduation 2011. Wow! that looks great. right?

  1. He asked me to sign the forms. So I happily printed my rubber stamp onto the forms. I think my servise was good since the forms came frrom Kedah. I did my duty well as a PA.

  2. Then we talked about indian youth. yesteryears indians versus todays' indians. He talked very well and the summary was:

3.1 this generation is very different from Samy Vellu’s generation. The youngsters he mean.
3.2 fighting , quarelling is quite a norm in the indian society. Just check the indian films. We fight just for simple things. There must be always a hero and the victims. Quarrel can happen so easily in coffee shop just out of nothing. The mentality never improve. He said.
3.3 i asked him to join police force/ jkr. Jobs in the government must be ready to be grabbed by indian professional like him. He looks so excited. I laid all the steps for him to do upon graduation - getting ready for interviews.

Well he left me after 30 minutes talking today. I think I have some idea how to tackle my indian students next sem. TQ Mr Anand.


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