Cyberjaya Kumpur Course

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saya menghadhiri kursus Akept Niche 2 di Cyberjaya Resort n Spa last week end.

  1. The place is superb but … the attendance not so good. However I fully prepared and participated in the 2 day course. It is about innovation , licensing, path, business plans. Great it was great indeed. I like the talk by Prof Madya Dr Rahmah (UiTM, laws) and Prof DR Robiah USM on test-kit used in checking diseases in Malaysia/ Indonesia. The journey she went through was superb n fascinating . What more a woman! Bravo!

  2. Some body criticized why the cameramen so busy snapping their pictures. I think it must be something to do with Akept coming buletins.

BTW, I would like to thank Mr Cameron (Australia - Innovation Business Centre) and many well known speakers like PM DR Mohd Idrus UTHM with Proton Sawah. laugh. It was a very good course. I gave overall score on effectiveness of the course - 4.5 out of 5.0


TQ. wasallam. p/s: Congrat the group with Prof Dr Lee (UITM) who won the business plan competitiuon on 2 in 1 solar system. My team lost .. rapid Translation Kit.

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