friday morning ..what r we goona got to do

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Today is friday 9th July 2010. Drizzling out there. Syukur I went to the subuh prayer in the nearest mosque from home. Parit Haji Salleh Ros Parit Raja. According to a hadith , the greatest virtue praying in the mosque is to attend dawn prayer in your mosque. If anybody were to know the greatest reward , it is through attending the dawn prayers in the dark of the night. In fact sicked prophet muhammad s.a.w insisted his companion to help him .. going to the subuh prayer in congregation. 27 times better than to pray alone at home.

After the prayer, I went home and type somthing for tazkirah (discussing on islamic values) in my faculty. the title of the talk is sincerety in intention and practices. In the eyes of Allah, He only accepted our good deeds that are merely done for his sake only. Period. if we do things for show, fame and glory .. then all those deeds are rejected and we r going to be thrown into hell. So simple right?

But how to get sincereity? I have talked with great ‘ustaz’ ..he concluded that .. one is not yet sincere if he talk big about sincerity because this is judged by Allah alone. Nobody else. it is diificult to attain this sincerity because as an ustaz he was paid handsomely say RM2000 when talking for a popular TV station. See ..he was paid? So how to get sincerity?

Easy. three points. Check it - Before an action, middle of the action and at the end of the action. If the intention is pure for Allah’s own sake .. say alhamdulilah.. eslseif it is for RM2000 per sitting in front of the TV channel .. then correct your work and say astaghfirullah ..and change your intention as soon as possible,. Then pray to Allah that he will accept our good deed today. the greatest good deed is to serve our old parents. Try to smile to them when they woke up in the early morning. Try. Can you do that? If your parents can smile it back to you .. then insyallah yu are going to have a great friday today else .. talk nicely to them// get good food for them// buy new dress for them// take then for a bath // pamper them as they had done so to you willingly when u were very young before // love them from the bottom of your heart / if u look them so thin and weak .. don’t worry .. it is still your mum and dad ..nobody else/ be proud to have them living with you .. because according to the Nabi Muhammad s.a.w disgrace is one who has old parents but they left this world without you serving them as good as they had done to you earlier on in yor baby stage.. thats why in the quraan there are so many ayats about doing good to our parents..

Wallahu alam. Be nice today ..will you?

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