Good habits

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Good habits are many too.

(i)  speak the truth
(ii)  speak well of the others
(iii) eat well and share it with others
(iv)  sleep early at 0930 pm and wake up at 0400 am in the morning
(v)  preparing food for your wife on sunday morning at 0700
(vi)  washing clothes for your wife
(vii) asking your wife to rest 2 days a week - Saturday and Sunday all the weeks until you drop dead in the kitchen. Very good you!
(viii)  mark the test papers on time
(ix) reach the class and start teaching at 0800 sharp everyday
(x) walkout of the class after 2 hours teahing.  Solid teaching ..  of maths.  No hanky panky sort of things. All maths.  You walk in with maths and you walk out with maths.  You die in maths , may be..

Aghhh.  please add some.


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