good mum is ..

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A good mum has few basic characteristics

They are
One.  She takes care of our well being.
Not only when we were small but ..she cares for us until we got our own family
Two, she feeds us in all circumstances. Difficult or good times.
Sometimes, she will forego her own food for the sake of our well being.
Third, she always support our dad. Good times or bad times.

A better mum is

One, she shares her education and skill to her own children.
Two, she can teach us Al Quran.
Three, she can teach us English, Maths and all sciences. Given the opportunity to drive, she transport us to places within her reach. Schools, tuition centres and masjid …with the consent of our beloved daddy.
she teaches us adab, manners and the way we sit and we talk in the assembly of men. To her, the greatest hadiah is good manners n never degrees.
in her opinion, good manners and adab ..will bring us far. Man will give us kingdom if we have some brain and good manners.  Degree and beauty alone without good social interaction values would bring corruption, hatred and killing among the civilisation east and west.

She knows her husband physical, spiritual, economical and emotional strength.

The best mum is,

One..she always think about us all the times.
Two, she always mention our names in her doa. The peak was ..
She mention our full names during good or bad seasons. The names came so clearly from her lips and heart towards the seventh sky.
Three, she keeps herself away from listening to evil, fitnah and jealousy. She dresses herself according to her husbands willingness. If she has rm1000 , she will spend all . If she got rm5000 more, she spends most but she keeps some for emergency. She is good to say no to most salesmen and women. He he he.
Four, she speaks highly about her husband even though she knows her husband is never near those qualities. Her husband has limitation. But those limitation is secondary as compared to his good virtues. She puts more emphasis on the virtues rather than the weaknesses.
finally, she keeps her physical beauty well hidden other than eyes of her own mahrams.

thank you …for all those mums out there.
you deservrd all the love from us all.

May Allah pardons you mum, umi, ibu, omak, emak, mummy and ..

Allah knows best.

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