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Good is a popular word among teachers and parents.
It describes few things like the successful completion of a task or proper behavior by the children.

I always used good with my students,.
They come early for lecture. Good.
They submitted their work on time. Good.
They graduated on time. Good.

At home i used good with my children after

I finished checking their books at school. Sometimes i aked them, why all these crosses boy?
He explained few things. His explanation deserves my good.

I check the finger nails of my girls once a week. If all looks tidy and neat..i would say good my girls.

My wife? Also lots of goods for cooking, attending my needs like preparing hot coffee when some of my friends do visit me. We usually talk about the way Malaysia is going now. Everything getting expensive. Our money RM50 seems like RM5 nowadays. Yet our PM says we are getting better.
I don’t think he gives very good reasons why our money is getting weaker as days goes by. His explanation doesn’t show he knows Economics, Finance and Accounting very well.

What do you think?
When my friends going home ..I said good night. Tq for dropping by.

It is good to say good things every day.
If we say good things, then good things will come to us again n again.
Think thats all for now.
Good night everybody.

Target ..fajar solat tomorrow. Good right? If you happen you get up a bit earlier, dont forget to do tahajud. Here you can ask anything from the almighty Allah say good health, good feeling, good living and everyday success in your post graduate journey. We need that because without the guidance from Allah, we might be researching everything under the sun except the actual task we are sponsored to. Some one asks to be the next Prime Minister of this country. Knowing that i laugh. Why? Why not!

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