Hari dah senja ..langit merah di ufuk sana

Update terakhir:


“..Hari dah senja ..langit merah di ufuk sana..”  refers to an old man really?

Tetapi tak ramai yang sedar diri.

  1. Ada orang ..semua tempat dia jumpa kecuali masjid Allah.  Kasihan?

Ada orang ..semua benda dia geram ..kecuali .. naik haji di Baitullah .. Mekah dan Madina..  kasihan kan?

Ada orang ..semua benda ..dia syok ..kecuali ..mendengar Al Quraan ..surah Ar Rahmannnn .. which boons of Allah can you deny ?  The boons –  he has given you good brain, scholarship, wide travels to 4 corners of the world , good wives, good companions , good food, good talk ..but alas .. without the taufik and hidayah from Allah ..  we cannot get any where nearer to the rahmah of Allah , kasih sayang Allah ..  bila kita sudah bergelar .. pensioner?


If you got a daddy or mummy like that .. sit down on the prayer mat .. during the sun sets ..and pray ..may Allah gives hidayah to my dad and mummmy.  Ameen.  o yes ..don’t forget to mention my name too please.

With that .. Assalamu alaikum w.r.t.

Good thoughts from Allah ..the bad ones ,..certainly is mine .. who else on this limited writing.

Wallah hu aklam bis sawabbb

Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2015/02/hari-dah-senja-langit-merah-di-ufuk-sana.html