Here they all come again ..

Update terakhir:


I would like to wish my students FTMM / FSKTM my heartiest congratulations .. as to their success in obtaining their degrees from His Excellency the Sultan of Johor in UTHM 10th Convocation Day 10th Oct to the 12th October 2010. Congratulations!

  1. The sajak by ‘Ku … ' and the song ‘Ibu dan Ayah’ during the interlude was a tribute to the sacrifices our parents had undergone in upbringing us as graduates. I think the advise given by the Sultan was right and appropriate that we should pay back their dues .. love them as they had always love us when we were young 20 - 28 years ago. Without their sacrifice .. bringing us up .. from day 1 to this special day .. we are nobody for sure. All along this convocation, I can see their nice and satisfying smiles for all the success that u had brought for your families.

  2. Congratulations too Tan Sri Musa bin Tan Sri Hj Hassan ( anak ustaz Hj Hassan - pengadil Pertandingan Tilawah Al-Quraan Peringkat Nasional dan International) and Dato’ Imran for getting the Honorary Degree - Doctor of Philosophy from UTHM - a tribute for their excellence in their respective field of duties i.e., PDRM and JPPKK KPTM, Malaysia. We feel the honour to know you all this while.

May God bless us all. Ameen.

Wallahu aklam

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