How to be a smart student
I always motivate my students no matter where we are.
Among my secret points - to be a smart student is:
sleep accordingly. Don’t stay late at night if you have a morning lecture 800 am tomorrow.
don’t rush to your lecture else you are so desperate to die / so many accidents in Parit Raja, Johor.
take good breakfast every day at appointed time. Say 0715 am - breakfast. Many of my students skipped breakfast. They looked so weak while attending to my maths lectures. I think they r saving some money to buy IPAD 2. Gila?
try and do the homework yourself first .. try it 10 times .. then if u r stuck .. you can ask your friends. By doing so , your brain has been trained to think, to process some levels of maths difficulties in engineering and what not.
Rugi . are those who never let their brain processed the problems first hand .. b4 consulting his peers.
Think thats all.
p/s: I would appreciate if you can forward this to your other friends. God bless you mate.
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