How to control a class in mathematics?

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Mnay teachers complained in the paper about how to gain good control in their classes. They gave me many kinds of ways but ..
If I were you ..

a) try to remember the names of the students. Try to get the names of the brightest, mediocre and the laousiest one in your class.

If there is a question that was clearly put on the whiteboard

then you can start asking

" Sipul .. what did the question want? .. can you help us plz Sipul?"

I am sure any student who is considered the lousiest .. will feel honoured if their name is called out loud and clear. It brings them some kind of respect. This create a feeling of doing something right now.

b) " OK now Ani did you get what Shipol said just now..?"

Yes teacher. What is it Ani?

The question wanted us to find how many fishes can we buy using RM50

Ohhh..thats good. So what next Ani? what should you do ?

I think .. you divide RM50 with ..

Thats the way it goes, mate.

**************** In sum, it was weird to hear some teachers not bothering to know their students' name at all when at the same time ..the school is paying him/her to teach well in the classroom.

THe first characteristics of a good teacher is s/he is friendly to the class. How? We remember at least a few names of those of great character in the class (examples: the king, the pirate etc etc).

the king is those who like to give orders to his peers
and the pirate is those who like to disturb everybody any time and any where. Try it , will you ? It works wonders. Try plz. ********************

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