If u anak P.A saya III

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Time to class(lecture).

Iff the lecture is at 0800 am in the morning, try and take a bus a bit earlier. The road from the hostels is very busy with many traffics and many sleepy drivers from KL and Singapore.

  1. Be preapred for the lecture. Doo some readings b4 the day break .. at least u know what to expect in the next lecture.

  2. Few students got killed on the road is because they rushed to the lecture theatre. They did not sleep at all / little sleep since at this IT age with FB nuisance .. everything on the internet is so appealing/ interesting. I think if you managed to get them .. they will certainly certified this truth. They did not have enough sleep that night.

  3. take breakfast. Example roti celup milo. Celup also ..margarine and sugar. He..he.. you got some power when you go in into the lecture theatre.

  4. Sit in front . There are many rows in the lecture theatre .. but from observation .. many students like to sit at the last row . They told me ..it is easy for them to catch the plane once the lecture is over . FYI, some lady lecturers are too soft and have low voice. So by sitting at the back, there is strong possibility u can catch some sleep .. RIGHT?

  5. Take notes. Rakam suara guru/pensyarah. Suara itu akan membakar minat anda untuk terus berjuang dalam dunia ilmu ini.

If the lecture is over, plz dont go home to your hostel yet. Don’t worry ..the hostel is well taken care of all the time. More over if the hostel is painted green at 0800 in the morning .. by 1200 noon it is still green in colour. Believe me!

No point you rush to the lecture and then you rush back to your hostel .. just to catch some sleep. U can sleep in the library u know?

Many students look forward for cancelled classes/labs. Why? because they go home to the hstel and ‘basuh kain baju’. Actually from a survey .. when i ask the hostelites what are their hobby .. many of them answer ' basuh kain baju .. baju dah busuk dalam baldi/besin ‘. See?

With that. I wish u all . a good productive years in this place called Parit Raja, Johor. Get 1st class Honours and join our team of excellent lecturers. See you?

Walla huaklam.

Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2011/09/if-u-anak-pa-saya-iii.html