if you could .,

Update terakhir:


If you could not make the grade ..phd ..

Dont worry.

  1. pack up and come back.

It is not the end of the world yet.

Dont worry.

  1. i heard my biras say …utm skudai passing percentage is around 70 per cent overseas.
    Locally much higher. So do the other universities.

Dont worry.

Dont beg ..from them. Just dont worry.

  1. we hunt many things. Sometimes, we came back with so many things ..deer, rein deer, wild chicken, …but sometimes there were none. We never got angry.

That is also phd. We just know, u did not make it.

You won so many races already. Except this one. Let us reflect ..we better celebrate the old successes. Shall we?

So walk talk. You completed the race already except that ..

There is no one out there to say … aghhhh…dont worry.

Come back in one piece. Your head is there. Your body n soul are there too. Fully intact.

Soon we will forget the race n let us look out for other nicer things, shall we?

He he he..

You got your masters, right?

Good enough.

Feel nice.


Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2015/11/if-you-could.html