Just be patient
As a student , many of you are so eager to know your carry marks.
It is OK. But ..don’t expect so much miracle to happen since
mathematically speaking
TEST 1 = 20%
Project Maths = 15%
Assignments = 15%
Attendance = 5%
Quiz 4x = 5%
total coursework = 60%
Lets say you have a very low marks for Test 1 3/20
Give 50% to all the other components = 20 /40
therefore your carry mark is just = 23 /60
Which is a FAIL. You must get more than 30 marks plus in order to qualify yourself into
as PASSED Coursework.
I think , you better think in that manner. Don’t expect so much miracle to happen please. I am still marking your work. Be patient.
Focus on .. try and do as many times THE TEST 1 questions. Make sure you understand the tricks of maths especially the Induction Recursion , Algorithms etc etc. Refer to the red book. I also had passed the solution book.
Pray for the best. Good Luck.
Wallahu aklam. ( God knows best).
Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2013/01/just-be-patient.html