kelas perbualan muet II

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Hari ni jam 0530 ptg Isnin 3 OKT 2011 .. kelas perbualan MUET berjalan lancar. Kedatangan 5 orang pelajar 1BIT girls. Last week was 4 girls. Now 5 girls. bagus kan? he..he.. there is an increase of 20%. well done girls.

Ada peningkatan. Saya cuba buat kelas perbualan mengenai :

i) smart dress to schools and universities. Why?
ii) stay healthy all the time. How?
iii) visiting Aceh. Why Acheh?

many words were used. This is to improve their vocabulary. More over I teach them what to say and why .. at least they can get 2 sentences correct. I train them to pronounce the words in the sentences as clearly and loudly as possible. Give them a chance to be a bit more confident. Be expressive and free to say what they want. Lastly I want them to tape ..our conversation. May u get Band III insyallah in your coming MUET exam. Ameen.

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