KJ Method 2 geography

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Wow! next Thursday my turn to give lesson about KJ MEthod to my staff in FTMM. Am I nervous? Of course not but a bit of butterfly yes.. in the middle of my stomach. He..he..

  1. I think I am going to write things about Geography. Just to show how verse I was in Geography under Goh Cheng Leong. He was my superstar … a geog teacher in Perak. Sometimes in 1970s. Hope he is still around.

  2. Geography starts with the land called Malaysia. It has its people. Three big races. malays, chinese and indians. Therefore we have 3 countries. Malaysia, China and India. Capitals? Easy stuff right? Traffic condition there? How about the weather there? Hot, humid, dry, 4 seasons in china? yes since it is locate between the 2 tropc of cancer and capricorn. so we deal with winter, summer, autumn and spring. Flowers and vegetations? can you get daffodils in Kelantan? why? we are talking about effect of weather on plants. O yes i went on a field trip to Caigncorm Highlands in Scotland 1976. You cannot see any bunga mawar there . why? too snowy, windy .. Scotland my friend. How about Edinburgh the capital of Scotland? u can see bunga kemboja there? of course not. weather again my friend.

So we have covered countries, people and weather. Three books by itself. I like sport when i was a student in UK. Soccer, leeds, manchester, billy brember , kevin keegan, norman hunter. SO another book by itself. SPORTS.

Thats what KJ method is all about in creating books. First brainstorming. Then you get the grouping, linking and connection per se. So we have 4 big books now. COUNTRIES, PEOPLE, WEATHER, SPORTS. Did you see an encyclopeadia of these type of titles in your library? I am not good at drawing but I am strong in creating waves after waves about ideas, essays, opinions, critics,articles, proceedings,.. name it you got it.

Ok. See you next time. Bravo.

Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2010/04/kj-method-2-geography.html