konvo uthm coming very soon

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Dear readers

Konvokesyen. UTHM kali ke - 9. Tarikh 8 July 2010. The tarikh is just the birst day of my eldest son Sobirin.

  1. FYI, I haven’t attended any convo yet throughout my life. In spite of me having degrees n masters from U.K. convocation is not my sweet memory yet. Hope this year I can attend the cnvo and walk up the stage n get the scroll PHD from the new King (Sultan) of Johor. God Willing. Please pray that there is a rezki for me in this matter.

Ameen. Plz my sons and daughters plz pray that 2010 is a great year of harvest for your dad Szali. OK? It has been a long long wait for ur dad.

Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2010/06/konvo-uthm-coming-very-soon.html