Konvokesyen dan aktivitas selepas ini

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Universiti tempat saya bertugas mengadakan Konvokesyen Kali ke 13 hari ini 5 - 7 OKTOBER 2013.
Tahniah saya ucapkan kepada graduan-graduan, ibu bapa dan semua staf yang telah terlibat menghasilkan graduan-graduan ini dan menjayakan majlis yg sangat meriah ini.  Syukur dan Alhamdulilah.  Dari wajah graduan dan ibu bapa mereka sudah terbayang .. betapa bertuahnya mereka berada di sini pada hari yg bersejarah ini.  Untuk makluman, ramai profesor dan pensyarah pensyarah yang tak dapat menikmati hari begini semasa mereka belajar di luar negara.  Mengapa?  kos untuk membawa satu kampung meraikan kejayaan anda.  Ha..ha..  syukurlah anda berkonvo di negara yang sangat kaya dan mewah ini.

  1.  Saya rasa ramai antara graduan telah memperolehi pekerjaan sejurus setelah selesai LI tempoh hari.  Tahniah!

  2.  Ini ole-ole dari saya untuk mereka yg masih belum berjaya.  Jangan khuartir ..negara kita sangat kaya dengan sumber asli dan macam macam kenikmatan yang tak termimpi oleh negara negara lain.

Soalan soalan interview kerja:

2.1  what are you strengths and weaknesses?
2.2  what have been your outstanding successes so far?
2.3  describe your personality?
2.4  how do you react to pressure?
2.5  do you have a management plan?  tell us plz?
2.6  how do you deal with colleagues?
2.7  what book have you read lately? anything interesting about it/ them?
2.8  how many books have you written?
2.9  any conferences have you participated during your study in ths uthm?
2.10  are you in any of the professional body like microsoft?
2.11  why are you applying for this job?
2.12  we saw that you have hopped 3 jobs after graduation.  What is your real target of getting a job here?
2.13  Your MUET is Band 3.  Do you think you can work effectively in this foreign company?  what ways can you improve our organisation?
2.14  Are you applying for other scholarships  at this moment?
2.15  can you tell us what contribution can you give to our organisation?
2.16  what you do for it that others can’t?
2.17  what do you think about office politics?
2.18  are you Pro BN or otherwise?  Why?  what are the trends that youngsters are against the BN at present?
2.19  How can this organisation cope with the global challenge as far as IT is concerned?

I think that is all for today.

Thank you.  Wishing you all the best in your future endeavor.  O yes .. say TQ so much to your parents who have brought you well in this world.  Without them, you are no where right?  He..he..

If you love your parents, then your life will be blessed.


Any ole-ole for me , he ..he..?  (laugh)


Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2013/10/konvokesyen-dan-aktivitas-selepas-ini.html