learning two words

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Before i go to sleep, i met 2 special words.
First, endurance.
Second, restraint.

Prophet Muhammad s.a.w addresses abu said khudri radiahiallaho anho


Abu Said.
Whosoever seeks endurance from Allah .,gets it,.
Whosoever seeks restraint from him gets it,
And whoso ever seeks wealth from Him will surely get it.

Allahu akbar.

The moral of the story.

Stop begging.
Begging money from people.
Begging favours from any human beings.

We beg only from Allah for all things. By doing this, we get honour and kingship.


Maulana Zakaria 1960 the teachings of islam markaz raiwind. Pakisran.
Pg 212

Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2016/03/learning-two-words.html