Life after 10th Convocation

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Today. I am back in my office.

0500 pm my lecture in Computer Ethics - DIT 2152. The topic is discuss issue called Multilevel Marketing. Insyallah I will create some notes for my students regarding AMWAY MLM bisnes plan.

  1. I could still remember the days when Dr Ramzi Kota Bharu recruited me into his downline. Then I recruit Dr Rathiah as my downline. THen all money flows into the _rain. laugh.

I enjoyed going to the big night in Stadium Bukit jalil Kuala Lumpur. Modal RM400 per ticket but it was a great fun looking how the most successful UPLINE called Mr. XXX from Australia showing his style in .. many areas/skills. In short we can be successful if we are persistent enough to promote the bisness and stay put in recruiting the downline by showing again and agian the bisnes plan. I think we cannot say that we are a failure in this MLM .when at the end of the day we become more confident in presenting ideas and persuading others to buy AMWAY products. I enjoy reading and listening many motivational tapes from this bisnes. I had used the skill in teaching and consulting others in my field.

TQ MLM. We win some and we lost some. Thats life but doing dakwah in islam is always my first love. If others do what u say, then all his ibadat .. the thawab comes to you too a bit at a time for ever and ever.

Wallahu aklam.

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