16 May 2013 Happy Teachers' Day HTD

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16 May comes again.  Happy Teachers' Day (HTD).All schools in Malaysia are celebrating this HTD.  Come rain or shine, we as teachers celebrate this day with many kinds of feelings.  Some of the new teachers are getting many flowers of appreciation from their pupils as a mark of love and respect to their dedicated work.  Congratulation! 
I think if you are a good teacher , then HTD is for you.  In this limited space, let us write a bit more about few teachers who are not suppose to be here .  In other words ..they are  ‘there’ and creating more harm than values.  So the list begin:i)                    Unprepared teachers  - they taught the lessons based on experience and story telling.  Some researchers run to the class because they forgot .. they have a class that day.  See?ii)                   Non-punctual teachers -  they always come late for lessons and in spite of that they brought the wrong text book(s) into the classroom. Few lecturers forced the students to classes on Saturday ..why?  They were away during normal working days.  They admitted ..they were busy doing 1001 consultations near and far.iii)                 Smoking teachers -  this is really killing.  Not only their clothes smell awful, their mouth and breath smell a like.  OMG!  go away plz.  I do not want to be a 2nd class smoker. From research in USA, I might die earlier than my teachers who smoke without stop.iv)                 Non-committed teachers -  this refers to a group of teachers who are moonlighting at  teachers' common room  selling insurance, air tickets, .., instead of sacrificing  their valuable time in helping weak students in their studies like writing english essays, training the pupils to talk english  or helping the students to write computer programs in JAVA, C++ in polytechnic environments.  They do not see that their students are their main raw materials that need proper processing and nurturing in the computer labs in MTUN.v)                From the  Rebellious teachers' point of view -  their main enemy is the principal/ Dean.  Next is the Assistant Principals/ Dean and many more high ranking teachers/ Head Departments  in the school/ universities.  To him, any kind of orders from the principal must sound mad.  He must show he is the most capable teacher to be axed come next year.  But does the school got guts to do that?So where to go next?  My late dad told me this …
Schools are places to educate the young minds.  These pupils have all the rights to be trained by high quality teachers who themselves practice  what they say.  What do teachers normally say?·          You must work hard/ smart·         You must come to schools early and make sure you look ‘well groomed’·         You must do all the homework·         You must follow rules and regulation of this school.But nowadays, what is preached are not practiced by some teachers in their daily lives.  Just look at their cars.  They have everything in the cars except books.  They got young plants from the oil palm nursery, good rubber tree seeds and come what may ..  the smell is very stinking to my nose especially  if It originates from the goats', cows and many more sheds.  Oh.. some teachers go tapping their rubber trees at 0430 am before they appear at schools with very sleepy eyes.  Their body and clothes smell the smoke from the mosquito coils.  Are these kind of teachers fit to teach our future generation?
A few days ago, there was an article that complained that Malaysia is not getting enough output even though the government  spent money billions RM in our yearly budget in the higher education tertiary institutions.
The answers are all there to see.  Simple logic goes to say “..Wrong teachers brought wrong products and ..and by inputting these products into 30 polytechnics MOHE and 20 public universities MOHE  ..  do you think we are going to get similar products like the chinese , germans and south Koreans?'  The ministers are making false dreams to the parents because the system that we have do not have serious method to expel bad teachers from the schools, polytechnics and the universities itself.  We do not publish the statistics about those who were expelled from the teaching institution and schools i.e., those who failed to make their minimum marks year in and year out.  Why?  We make so much assumption such as teachers are your valuable and virtuous parents.  I do not want that kind of parents, do you?  Moreover assumptions are sometimes not true at all.  In short they are also  lies.
With that SELAMAT HARI GURU cikgu.  We bought you a nice cake.  Please enjoy your day …
God Bless you.  Ameen.

Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2013/05/16-may-2013-happy-teachers-day-htd.html