Memberi makna sukses kejayaan

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Just for food of thoughts.
When someone ask us what is success do we have the definition ready?

a) Success in study - getting good marks , 4.00 flat in all examinations semester after semester right?
b) success in marriage - getting respect from the family members at all times regardless of pain, pleasure and wealth
c) success in childhood - can bring up a family of well behaved children. They know manners and give due respect to those who are elderly than them.
d) success in jobs - getting promotion after promotion
e) success in money terms - yes the more the money you earn every time the more successful you are in your job takings, carreer, trading and trading
f) success in having babies - if you are infertile, may be after a series of attempts , you got a baby., then perhaps success is according to you , now you are called a mum. Congratulations!

Therefore man has many ways interpreting success. Right? For a man with addicted son with morphine , success for him will be finding the cure for this hell addiction because to be a dad of an addict is really hell. Your life is always at danger. Recently in Malaysia, an addict killed his mum because he wanted instant cash to service his craving addiction to morphine, marijuana and ganja. So how do we define success?

To be honest, those definitions are said to be worldly kind of definition according to the holy quraan and hadiths. So what is success by the way? Lets look at the Holy Quraan and refer to the a hadiths. Everytime Allah says “..O ye who believe ..”. “oh ye who have highest faith , takwa …”. So to help define the meaning of success Allah has sent thousands of prophets (nabi-nabi) and this ends up with the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. In short the more we have faith in the commands of Allah the more successful we are in the eyes of God and vice versa. If you earn millions of dirhams per day but in the process of trading you incurred the wrath of Allah surely rest assured that .. you are categorized as the unsuccessful doers. Your final abode is hell fire according to the Quraan. If you earn little but in the way of finding rezki you follow the commandments of Allah then no matter how little your money is , in the eyes of Allah you are considered as the successful one. Your abode will be the paradise where you will get the 7 rivers of happiness - honey, wine, milk, water, .., and many more. Basically, it boils to one final point. Man defines success is not as what we all thought to be according to the Al Mighty God Allah. We have to follow the yard stick prescribed by Allah because he is the creator of all creations. If the man and woman creates babies , I am sure every couple will ensure that their baby will become perfect baby in health and brainy type. But alas, we are confrnonted with many news of deformed babies. So what? It means that Allah creates us all. Therefore follow the CREATOR of all creations day in and day out. Period! Pray to Allah that we are going to be the successful one in this dunia and akhirat. Ameen and wa llahu alam.


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