Mind you

Update terakhir:

Salam The world is laughing at us. The malay muslims are fighting each other over a video tape. Too much time fighting .. killing each other political career u say? Wat u say .. sooner we will see. Remember Bosnia? They were killed, slaughtered by their own neighbours when .. the non-malays are helping us .. going down the throne/ the power. The last week 30 minutes daily almost every night .. TV3 ..helps to show the malay population .. why the world is laughing at us .. again and again. 2) Just like Italy. The italians wanted to kick the president .. over his scandal with young girls. Don’t worry. What the world has gone through ..now the malay muslims .. started to feel the same thing. Afraid , one day when everything is gone … there is no other word (s) in describing how stupid we were. We fought as if … we did not know muslims are brothers to each other. Wallahu aklam.

Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2011/04/mind-you.html