Monday morning

Update terakhir:


Monday morning .. many people are rushing to their jobs today.  Some use motorbikes, cars and trains.  In fact they are doing their utmost best to reach their offices on time. But wait,

Some did not have to rush anywhere except bringing their children to schools.  Market? this can wait.

  1. In the process of rushing to work, let us say alhamdulilah behind the steering wheels..

we still got  job(s)  to serve our families.

During this time when the economy is not doing so well globally .. we have seen many kinds of hardship , haven’t we?

some kids go to school with very little money  and their close friend are studying without any  food at all.

some families are losing their sleep -  monetary matters - they cannot service their cars and the housing loans ranging from few hundreds to many thousands per month.

So in short, we must express plenty of gratefulness ( alhamdulilah) to the Al Mighty Allah for keeping us working and bringing some money to our respective homes.  Most importantly, our good health today. Right?   Do you pay anything for getting good eyes to drive your cars?

  1. For the students who are graduating , the picture is not so rosy either.

In 1987 - 1990 , we experienced economic depressions. We saw couples ( both graduates) selling sugarcane drinks at the road sides near Binjai, Kota Bharu.  Besides the machines they used to process the sugar cane, their babies were crying because of milk ( powdered type) under the hot sun.

My friends worked in Kolej Budaya that time as teachers PMR/ SPM/STPM.  They also reported to been paid quite late every month. So the bad spiral seems to repeat itself this  2016 - ….  Allah knows best.

But as students, you must finish off your task.  Graduate on time.  TO THOSE WHO are working, don’t mess with your life selling RM1 Form 13D government forms for RM150, RM200 per form - much too  high in bauxite episodes in Kuantan lately. (refer to Star Malaysia 11 January 2016 - page 6/ nation/ 5th column). This proved many things for example :   what the late Scholar  Nik Aziz Nik Mat used to say is very true then and now . Malays are h*rrible .. inspite of so many sermons(khutbah) in the mosques, TV1, TV2 , TV3 ..  and the christians cannot preach publicly here … they still showed they are always .. greedy for more money ). The lessons learnt today is ..   You will got caught sooner or later / get fired?  so watch out.  For young teachers .. It is good to be honest all the time.  Be a good son, daughter and parents ..will you?  It is worth all the moment to be sincere to our selves all the time.  You can sleep better and be able to spend wonderful time in the toilet too.  Thinking nothing except that special business of putting out the waste from your body system.

wallahu aklam

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