Money and profit makings are no ..

Update terakhir:


.. more  dirty words in Singapore.  This should be encouraged among our school students here nowadays in ICT and tech savvy world.

If they can make money from creative subjects ..and products ..

sooner they can find their own jobs.  They won’t rely on the government any more.  The government is not worried if graduates go unemployed.

In Singapore, they are doing just that.
It is common to see 15+ boys and girls making  money from web based projects.

  1.  if the students can make money, their parents would be very happy.

if they can make projects that can sell, this improve their self esteem.  Self esteemed students and lecturers push Singapore to ride on the fast changing economic world. Proof:   Singapore is 3rd best in the world as far as science and maths education is concerned among 14 - 15 year old students.  Check PISA2012 and TIMSS 2011.

These came from Associate Prof  Dr Subramaniam’s talk in RECSAM SEAMEO yesterday in STEM Mind Set , Delphi studies meeting with BPG/ KPM/ IPTA .

How they do it?  the teachers are well paid.  Singapore trainee teachers got S$3000 a month.  Graduates S$4000 easily.  The teachers are paid high just like the professionals .. but they are performance driven.  They can be fired if they failed to perform.  MOE took 30% cream students as teachers prospectives.  Within 3 years they have to perform.  How many students passes, got excellent results, how many publications, research and many more.  Their principals are also result performance driven.  Easily they earn S$14k PER MONTH.  See?

their graduates got 13- 15.5  month pay per year.  Some got the 7th pay cheque within 6 months teaching.  They spend a lot on capital / building capacity.  If their teachers are happy, they are more productive. they got 100 hour a year - building / attending in house training so that they become superb teachers.



Dr Sazali

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