my humble tips for viva phd

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Salam and a good greetings.

Congratulations! Your viva today huh?

Here is my small advise.
There are 4 actually.

Firstly, make sure you are healthy n wise. Make sure you can walk straight from your bedroom to bathroom n upstairs to the downstairs. If yes, your cognition n meta cognition are all working well. Thank goodness. Health is more important than phd. I suppose?

Secondly, the examiners want to meet you to ensure you look fine with a Ph.D beginning tomorrow, three or 6 months from now. You will reflect themselves and the whole institution. Thats it.  So dont be too afraid, will you?

For that, they will ask you few things such as the research questions and the methods you had used during your work.  If there are 3 research questions, then the whole 1 to 2 hours will be used for this examination.

If you have your work thoroughly and you have already written some papers for international journals etc etc ..i think you will not suffer any hardship ..believe me?

So you have read the above 3 tips so far..he he he. Smile plz?

He he he.

The final step is ..they would ask you ..your contribution to the body of knowledge. So if you have written so journal papers all this while, you can refer the examiners to some of this effort. Get me ?

Or you can just speak up your contribution. They will ask a bit here and there ..but dont worry so much. If you have come this far, you can rest assure you had won the battle after all.


We are very proud of you. Well done.

See you DR.


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