My univrsity

Update terakhir:


Last few years I went to a new university in Johor. It is famous for a technical and vocational education. So i join them as a PHD student. It took me many years to complete my task but ..mind you . I passed. Alhamdulilah.

  1. Then came that RM5000 reward scheme to convert my thesis into a book. First they recommended me to write in BM but alas I failed miserably. So I stay put with English as the medium of instruction/ writing.

  2. You know what .. it is now 2 years .. i am suppose to know my result wheter my book is passed by the reviewers or not order to be published by my university. I should know the result by now. Yes today 16th Feb 2012. BUt wait wait .. still no news .. I got a Pass from the first reviewer … i am so happy i am still waiting for the second reviewer’s verdict. It still does not come. Hi say man?

  3. FYI, my univ library has 170,000 books. I hope to add 1 more to the total collection b4 I pass away . Since a new book is nothing compared to the 170,000 books .. I think that is why .. they are still processing my book ..without no news what so ever.

1/170,000 = 0.0000017 no wonder how slim it is for my book to be noticed.

Thinking about this time .. no wonder there are so few books written by the local lecturers/ professors etc etc.

I am so serious to know my fate .. because I have another book waiting .. but looking at this experience … I think i want to use PTS Publisher lah. I am not thinking of making millions ..of RM but I want my writing to be enjoyed by the readers when I am still alive. Just like Tun Mahathir .. is experiecing now.

With that I just say .. waiting is killing . Right?

wallahu aklam

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