nice mum you have there

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A good mum has few good qualities such as

  1.  Preparing food and drinks for the famili without fail
  2. Care after the small babies especially during their illnesses
  3. Taking care of the house tidiness n good ventilation
  4. Prepare for the beddings. ( new sheets plz once weekly)
  5. Steadfast in her daily prayers
  6. Speak softly to the members in the family
  7. Show enough she can control the temparament of the ‘big boss’
  8. Intelligent in talking to the visitors and
    her laughter never go beyond the 4 walls of her fortress,
  9. Good looking , well groomed and most importantly
  10. Forgives us ..if we do anything wrong .. she never curse anyone

In conclusion, if anyone has this  type of mum ….u r considered very blessed by the almighty Allah.  The
Man can sleep soundly …now insya allah.
A. Bimbingan mukminun
B. Ilya ulumiddin by al ghazali
C. Raidhus solihin
D. The teachings of islam by maulana zakayiya shaharanpur, india

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