nothing matters right?

Update terakhir:


We got so much problem.

We got health, financial, family and many more problem.

Sometimes we loss confidence.

Sometimes we keep buying the same thing from the wet wet market.

Is that true?

He he he.

So what are we going to do?First ..let us talk about health.  We are sick because

I.  We eat outside too often,

Our chef comes from India, Thailand and Bangladesh. Surprisingly they are mostly male chefs.

Our stomach made from malaya but our taste seems so western.  Oops so indians to be more exact.

Even though we hardly understand english, we take burger, hot dog and many more.
All processed food into our tummy.

Even though our MUET is getting no progressr, we listen american music from day break to night close.

From the way you shake ur feet, it seems as if you unddrstand all the english through your ears.
HOW come a paragraph about your study in UTHM seems so difficult..Huh.

If we want to be healthhy try local food.
say nasi lemak, sup perut, Air kelapa, pulut nyor ikan kering and try soursop.

eating local dishes .. we help our own people.  If They are happier. They pray good things for you examples may u have smaller bums from now on wards. (Laugh).  Now sad sight looking big bodies into smaller jeans.  My God. See!
eating so western,  ronaaldo , messi, rooney do not know you at all.

the more money u spend on english music, the singers  do not appreciate us either.


Ha ha ha.

you did not recover from illness because  you did not get doa from your own people especially your uncles, unties, cousins …who are waiting for you ..come to their restaurants lah.  Make them a bit joyful.

you must change please.  Your attitude needs an address.

better late than never.

the never is you drop dead in the office or behind the wheel. Al fatihah to my own bro.

Wasallam.  Tomorrow issue #2   insya allah  finance u say?

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