Penat nya wehh lok

Update terakhir:


Welcome back to the office young man! He..he..

After the wedding ceremony of my third child (girl) on 4th June 2011 followed by an intensive writing course by Prof Dr Zuraidah and Prof Dr Gary Knowles , in Eastin Hotel , Petaling Jaya, my body started to feel the aching and pain.

But alas, as a father, I have to sort few more things before Saturday comes 11 June 2011.

First, my letters in the faculty since I was away for 4 days.
Second, applying for a leave from my Dean.
Thirdly, driving my family up north to Kuala Kangsar, Perak. This time I have to bring Angah and Ikmal as co-drivers. The ceremony in Iqbal’s place is 1300 hours Saturday.
Fourth, Sunday , sending my youngest girl to KISAS , Klang. Well.. the school holidays has come to an end. So anticipating the Plus Highway will be choked all the way from Penang to Kuala Lumpur , we have to leave Kuala Kangsar immediately after the function.

Wush so many things on my ‘.. jembala patik’. O My Lord, gives me the extra strength to endure all this. Ameen.

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