Penulisan Rushan

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Bismillahi rahma nir rahim / in the name of god , the most beneficent and the most graciousRead this first  subhanallah, alhamdulilah and allahuakbar (repeat 10 times please)Ini adalah hasil pena seorang rakyat Malaysia bernama  Roshan Thiran mengenai kepimpinan manusia mendiang  Steve Jobs ( pencipta computer APPLE) dan mendiang  Mahatma Ghandi (pemimpin ulung Negara India  yang kini mempunyai 1.3 bilion populasi.  Cucu cucu cicit mereka ada di sekitar anda.  Filem called Roots?) Both are kafirs (non-muslims)  but their work furnished the home of DSAI and TGNA.  Tun M also enjoyed Jobs’ product.  So does RM - really?  He..he..  keep going plzSome interesting points take time to be with yourself to know yourself . find out what you truly love to do and what drives you. define your vision of a better tomorrow and refine it till you drop dead* sell and excite the world with the message of your vision* build a plan of execution to achieve this vision, including mobilization of people to ensure the vision becomes a reality* say ‘No ‘ to distracters / distraction and focus relentlessly on achieving this vision* execute !  execute!  Execute!  And execute flawlessly with high quality, overcoming obstacles that comes your way.** hasil idea ini …  Jobs mati dengan penyakit barah otak/ paru-paru  tahun lalu (2011) dan selepas kematiannya .. inovasi computer Apple semakin menurun dan saham Apple terus menurun hari demi hari.  Teknologi korea bergelar Samsung sedang mengambil alih teknologi computer dunia tanpa sempadan ini.  Begitu juga .. Mahatma Ghandi .. membawa 1 butir peluru hidup dalam otaknya sewaktu kematian pada tahun 1945.  Ada orang gila di kaki lima di India membunuh Ghandi ..kerana .. tahap kegilaan Ghandi menandingi kegilaan si pembunuh upahan ini.  EXECUTE! Mission Accomplished.   Is it worth the journey as a leader guys?Reference:  Roshan Thiran (2013) Leadership Lessons from Steve Jobs - Saturday Star Malaysia pg 6 -7/  section  18 May 2013Please read the contents  or email
Yang baik dari Allah , dan yang tak baik ..semua adalah kelemahan diri saya sendiri. Maaf!
Roshan Thiran – alumni MMU is CEO of Leaderonomics , a social enterprise passionate (gila sangat sangat ) about creating more great leaders for our nation.  Malaysian leaders  ?  RAHMAN =  rahman, abd razak, Hussein onn, Mahathir, Abdullah Badawi, Najib.  Umur Roshan ~  40 years old

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