Post Mortem hari bersama adik Adi putra n Abang aBUu

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Last Sunday I drove quite fast on the Plus Highway. Why? trying to catch the presentation by Abang ABU and Adik Adi Putra in UTHM.

I left Nilai after 0700 and reached UTHM at around 1000 am. Why so slow? The answer why so fast. I am not a ferrari F1-driver. BTW, Malaysians are not punctual any way , right? .. ooops I was told the program just started. Surprisingly , I was asked to sit in the front row with THe Dean. (suspend!)

  1. In this short writing I wanted to highlight few things I got from Abang Abu. To be honest, his talk is very good for adults like you and me. Why did I say so? The answer is so simple. How can young students , in the big hall, understand the word ‘visualization’ when they in the first place cannot see why it is so important to imagine things. The next thing is .. his experience is great but .. can well to do children understand what hardship is all about. From my experience, if we talked about hardship .. only Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis .. can understand that becuase they know what that is. Some of them went to schools without any food. Some of them slept on the rail platforms day in day out. Did any one watch the film DOSTI - a great film about a blind mathematician raising money by singing .. DOSTi songs .. all along the streets. In this part of the world, i saw many young children are send everty where by their parents like the princes and princesses. Just ask them? I wont be surprise if one of them will admit , they can’t even stop any bus on the road side. (laugh).

I enjoyed the acronyms like MAP - Motivate yourself for wealth making, then put Allah as the place we must ask for help and lastly Plan the actions to make the earlier motivation works. Abang Abu have so many acronyms. Blind me? During the break, I bought Abang Abu’s book. Challenge Simpan tabung. I read few pages of that great tips. Imagine .. putting all the coins u got after work into the ‘tabung’ piggy bank. I can’t do that honestly. Why? my hands are too itchy to put all that into the mosque fund box. Laugh. Next , how can I put the coins into the piggy bank when I love to drink ‘teh tarik’ in the mamaks stall. 4 times a day be exact. I used all that coins.

Second tip he gave was .. pay RM2 a day when watching your ASTRO. After 30 days you have got RM60 .. to be used to pay ASTRO monthly fee. Practical ? Yups.. but can you pay .. when watching. Esok ada anak ..nak duit .. so the same money for your children going to school and religious school in the evening. BTW, don;t take me wrong … your tips are very practical indeed. Examples, buy only the important things in the grocery shop. Next .. don;t bring any of your children to the super market. It saves a lot .. Abang Abu say. (laugh). I take that Abang Abu but the problem is … I love to have my children while going shopping. The time with them is so valuable indeed. Of course you are prone to waste a lot of extra money buying things .. unnecessarily .. but .. many people say .. we work so hard for what my dear? Yes.. we work for our children right? So be it. The onky problem is we never educate our children .. not to buy things so expensive .. why? your dad is not so loaded after all .. some thing like that lah.

  1. My remarks on Adik Adi Putra. The maths is so superb but mind you .. we can use the calculators you know now. Give any numbers .. we got the answer ..right away. Try the EXCEL software .. you give the numbers .. add, subtract, multiply , divide, go forward, fast forward, go back , retreat, gostand, retrive .. backwards ..copy/ paste/ .. all that EXCEL can do ..u know my adik Adi’s daddy? (laugh). why torturing .. ur kid with all the funny numbers ..when his brain can be used to create new things straight onto the moon. He told he wanted to create a computer for the blind. Great stuff! so spend time on that project .. put away that numbering manipulation exercise .. we got computers and machines as our tools. I think 50 years ago … this type of maths manipulations is very good indeed. But not now .. I think .. what say u? Sorry. More over, can you use that technique with other maths topics like algebra, geometry, trigonometry .. well I love Adik Adi .. you are our hope and the STAR .. memorising Quraan .. and memorising sajak for the late Dato' Prof Dr Ismail ( ex-SIC, Kota Bharu, Kelantan). Al Fatihah ..shall we?

Ok I think thats all for now. Please take my comments positively , will you? .. since we can be a great nation together.. by sharing tips and tricks. Well done Abang Abu and Adik Adi Putra. May God bless you all. Ameen.


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