Preparation for Raya Aidil Fitri

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This coming Raya, God Willing, we shall be in Kota Bharu for 5 days. 3 days before Raya and 2 days after Raya.

  1. How ever few important things has to be taken care of:

2.1 safety of our belongings - home here in Parit Raja

2.2 safety of our journey - cars and general health of the driver himself

as such he cannot do many mad things like moving so many files and books from his home to the new office (7th floor, Blind Me!)

2.3 cash, ATM cards, credit cards etc etc

2.4 general plan to travel from Johor to Kota Bharu and then vice-versa

2.5 condition of my 2 other children going back to school after Raya and registering 1st time in UIA , Kuantan

Why do we plan?

If we do not plan there are 5 bad things going to happen to us.

First, over spending in Raya time.

Second, we can endanger our own life as well. For example, if our EXORA is not properly checked, we could end up in the ravine or unknown territories

Third, we could optimize whom we should visit in the Raya season this time. Mother, aunties, uncles, cousins, close friends in that order (i suppose).

Fourthy , we can economize on our drained energy. The driver can not sleep at all time. So I better take care of myself as well as possible. The other family members can spend their energy serving the guests and what not. Why? most of them sleep in any journey all the time. Good, isn’t it?

Finally, the driver must report to work in good condition with some more cash in his pocket. I got one more daughter waiting for posting to school. If she got the offer letter , off we go again to her new school (first posting).

Other than that, I cannot make any comments. I better reserve it to myself. I am sure my mum will cry if I depart too early from Kota Bharu. Well, I cannot be every where mum all the time. I must take care of my family as well. Please save your tears for another day. Who knows? Read more Quraan and do more nafil solat like Isra', Dhuha, Awabim, Tahajud and Witir .. if you do that .. you don’t have to think so much about your children (3 of them in my case / when my aunties and uncles got 10’s and 14’s respectively). Laugh.

To have lots of children is great .. at this festive season .. if 5 didn’t turn up on the first day at least another half of the batallion is still available. Not my mum. It is always me who must be always be counted for great festive season , come snow or rain. Think about that ….will you? Good to have bigger nests with many chicks under your wings. Start today.

Eid Mubarak/ SElamat Hari Rayo .. Adil Fitri. Maaf zahir dan bathin.

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