Prophet Idris alaihis salam
After doing fabonacci series, computing, understanding economic webs from a book by johnsonbaugh R “discrete mathematics”. I forced myself to read the following paragraph from a book called ‘The Miracle’ - Al Quraan.
Nabi Idris (a.s) Prophet Idris (peace be upon him) Enoch
Di antara ayat pujangganya ialah:
- Tidak seorang pun yang mampu mensyukuri nikmat Allah sebanding dgn nikmat2 NYA yang DIA kurniakan
- Jika berdoa kepada Allah, ikhlaskan niat kamu itu
- Hidupnya jiwa adalah hikmah
- Jangan iri hati dengan tahap keberuntungan seseorang yang lain kerana mereka pun menikmati sedikit saja bahagiannya itu
- Barang siapa melampaui batas cukup, tidak ada sesuatu pun yang dapat membuatnya puas.
- Nobody can express enough gratitude for what God (Allah) has bestowed upon him day and night
- If you make any prayer (silently), say it sincerely
- The heart is said to be alive when it has some degree of wisdom in it
- Do not feel ill (jealous) towards what others have at the moment example (beauty, wealth, richness, good living) because what s/he has, it is just a small amount in the sight of God (Allah)
- If anybody goes beyond the limit of necessities, no other portions from this world can make him feel happy and stay contented.
The Miracle – Al Quraan. Pp 1215 PT Sygma Examedia Arkanleema, Indonesia.(2007).
By: Dr Mohd Sazali Khalid UTHM
Mathematics Lecturer Degree IT
Qualified Translator English – Malay-English (IPNMB, Kuala Lumpur)
March 17 2011
If u make prayer(doa), please mention me in your doa. Ameen.
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