Prophet Idris alaihis salam

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After doing fabonacci series, computing, understanding economic webs from a book by johnsonbaugh R “discrete mathematics”. I forced myself to read the following paragraph from a book called ‘The Miracle’ - Al Quraan.

Nabi Idris (a.s) Prophet Idris (peace be upon him) Enoch

Di antara ayat pujangganya ialah:

  1. Tidak seorang pun yang mampu mensyukuri nikmat Allah sebanding dgn nikmat2 NYA yang DIA kurniakan
  2. Jika berdoa kepada Allah, ikhlaskan niat kamu itu
  3. Hidupnya jiwa adalah hikmah
  4. Jangan iri hati dengan tahap keberuntungan seseorang yang lain kerana mereka pun menikmati sedikit saja bahagiannya itu
  5. Barang siapa melampaui batas cukup, tidak ada sesuatu pun yang dapat membuatnya puas.


  1. Nobody can express enough gratitude for what God (Allah) has bestowed upon him day and night
  2. If you make any prayer (silently), say it sincerely
  3. The heart is said to be alive when it has some degree of wisdom in it
  4. Do not feel ill (jealous) towards what others have at the moment example (beauty, wealth, richness, good living) because what s/he has, it is just a small amount in the sight of God (Allah)
  5. If anybody goes beyond the limit of necessities, no other portions from this world can make him feel happy and stay contented.

The Miracle – Al Quraan. Pp 1215 PT Sygma Examedia Arkanleema, Indonesia.(2007).

By: Dr Mohd Sazali Khalid UTHM
Mathematics Lecturer Degree IT
Qualified Translator English – Malay-English (IPNMB, Kuala Lumpur)
March 17 2011

If u make prayer(doa), please mention me in your doa. Ameen.

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