rajin lawannya malas

Update terakhir:


Rajin is a “malay” word that means ..  hard working at something.  Say studying/ cooking/ playing games etc etc.  She is hard at cooking all sorts of meals.  Di arajin memasak .. apa apa saja masakan melayu.

Malas is another "" malay"" word - which means somebody being just pure lazy.  Not wanting to study , not wanting to cook , not eager to wash their own clothes, not answering the door  etc etc.

  1.  Most of us are malas right?

We are malas because we are too rich/ too easy life style already.  Our daddy n mummy made us like that actually.  When we were small ..they did all the things for us.  Finding money, doing our homework, go to the shop to photostat our IC and ..not surprising .. one of them got killed in the way of creating us so malas actually.  The school system , the system in Malaysia ..made some of us so malas.  He..he..  the government subsidized our life all the time.  In the process we voted for them …remember that!  you scratch my back ..I scratch your back too.

malas people - you can see in every part of the world.

It is a disease really?  A world wide world disease .. pure malas/ lazy.

A mother scream at her children ..because of malas .. at attending at their own beds after sleeping.

A sick old father scream at the mother .. malas ..at doing simple cooking - fried rice + eggs+ vegetables.

Now .. we have to spend less, eat outside a bit less.  If we save some money here and there .. we can buy a bigger house next time right?  A simple house in Penang .. 4th level costing ..RM400,000.. yes simple n cool.  If you go higher … you forked up more.  Really?  You pay more ..to see the view .. scenic view ..ocean , skylines and more oxygen.  He..he..

Ok ..  I think I write more next time. Insyallah about this issue of  having created  malas rakyat.  Look at our public toilet. That reflects a malas society.  In spite of hearing the khutbah weekly in and out … our toilet is not getting any better.  No drainage .. in Kelantan.  After getting all kinds of education ( secular + religious) .. we conclude .. no need to build any kind of drainage system  in Kelantan.  So we got more mosquitoes.  And more dengue  from the mosquitoes.  Lazy people ,..learn slower .. actually?  He.he..




Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2014/11/rajin-lawannya-malas.html