Rindu itu payah diubati

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Today I woke up ..feeling ..mixed feeling ..actually.  He he he. Some students missing me. He he he..

they asked a few questions about me ..the reply is ..i am fine alhamdulilah. Do i missed UTHM? The answer is Yes of course. I miss lontong in the old pasar of PRaja ..and the things I missed most is my students Year 3 students Computer Sciencè   aaand my friends in fsktm.

  1.  am i going back? Not to teach , i suppose. Visiting ..Yes ..one fine day. Not now, i m afraid.

  2.  when you had spent 12 years in an institution like uthm ..of course you had known many people including the villages. They were very nice to my family ..especially ..the village headman Hj Jufri ..ex Felda Boss, Imam 1 masjid jameek parit salejh ros Cikgu Ameer dan ramai lagi kawan taulan di Taman Kenangan Indah Parit Salleh Ros itu.

One day i was considering coming home to PRaja ..with my wife. She just smiled instead and ..soon ..she suggested ..its time to move on and make newer friends and move to our kampung ..pasir puteh. Missing is a big word but ..to return is a much bigger task.  Sooner ..they will forget you ..as time moves on and on. Try to be nice to ..them ..in writings ..treat them well individually ..and that’s it boys n girls.

I am sure you understand that ..much simpler than coding in programming  .. wishing u the best in all your years to come.

read al fatihah ..if you remember me ..and thank you fsktm, uthm.

We going to meet again somewhere , right? Do your best. My doa.

Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2014/10/rindu-itu-payah-diubati.html