Say nice things to your friends

Update terakhir:


If we want to have many friends from many circles of this world, please say something nice to each other such as

  1.  how are you?
  2.  you are getting better, aren’t you?
  3.  yes, what can I do mate?
  4.  you got your things sorted out my dear?
  5.  thank you for coming
  6.  thank you for calling
  7.  welcome home young man
  8.  great ..  you make us all so proud of you
  9.  really sorry ..  mate.
  10.  for heaven’s sake ..don’t ..  Rozi.  it is too dangerous to walk alone in that crowd of MU supporters.

In English .. there are so many words/ phrases that ..  can make you ..  think is the language of the heaven.


Yes luv ..  anything luv?

I am afraid , I can’t make it tonight.  Perhaps .. next time ..  William.  if you don’t mind.

I think thats all for tonight.  Next time , I shall write again.



Sazali  GCE “A” Levels Grantham.

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