senat senat senate

Update terakhir:


Today is 2nd JUne 2010. The important day of my life as a graduate student in UTHM. Today they will meet in a senate and endorse my thesis PHD. Hopefully, everything will go smooth as fast as possible. Insyallah.

Meanwhile I am preparing for lecture in Computer Ethics and Social Values. Computer Crime. I make it a point to prepare some notes for my students. if god willing i will do prayer called ‘dhuha’ asking favours from Allah. I want to ask my ROBB pass in my phd work, convokation, health and the health of my children n families. Today my youngest girl could not sit for her maths exam - mid term exam. I am so sadddd but what can we do as a human being ..everything that happens is under the plan of Allah my ROBB. Ya ROBB bestows upon us good health physically and mentally and spiritually. Ameen.

Themeeting is going on from 0900 to 1300 hours today. One of the agenda is ‘special convo’ on 8th July 2010. Exam results SEM II 2009/2010 and many more .. n finally thesis PHD and master students. Hopefully everithing will run smooth as the fountain at the top of a mountain. Ameen.

Plz doa for me readers. Wasallam. TQ.

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