Seronok dia orang

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Now my friends are too ‘seronok’ / excited packing and packing their books, papers from their rooms in City Campus UTHM while moving towards a new buliding 6 storey tall in the main campus. Great!

  1. Well they are so excited packing things into their respective boxes and put them into chartered trucks and vans.

Great feeling huh.. he..he… i just look.

  1. But I think .. its OK .. every body must feel that excitement going to new places, new rooms, new environment etc etc. I experienced this many times when moving to new states, new police barracks etc etc ( for i am a son of a policeman).

As an observer I can wish them ‘all the best mate!’ C u there. God Willing.

Take good care of yourself. New faculty, new building and of course new challenge.

WELL DONE .. we finally move.
wallahu aklam.

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